Monday, 23 November 2015

Feedback Recieved

Whilst doing our pitch our teacher and peers were evaluating us and gave us feedback at the end, here is what they had to say:

Rebecca our teacher: "The choice of mise-en-scene is great and very well thought out and detailed, there is a clear story line and you explained it very well. You should make sure the title is followed by more action so it doesn't look like a trailer and don't forget an establishing shot"

One group said that they like our ident and they thought the plot seemed very interesting.
Another group suggested that we could have used more images in our pitch however they liked our style of presentation and the use or Prezi and Slides.

Well done:

  • Very detailed about ideas and what is going to happen.
  • Original
  • Well explained
  • Detailed mise-en-scene
  • Great ident 
  • Interesting
  • Good style of presentation 
  • Good examples

What next:

  • Record sounds
  • Photo of room 333
  • Establishing shot
  • More lighting
  • Target audience research 
  •  Use more media and visuals eg. photos, videos

Thursday, 19 November 2015

The Pitch 14) Technology Skills Audit by Sophie Barber

So far we  have used software such of Premier Pro and Adobe after effects which allow us to edit and add titles to our footage.

 I have also used Prezi and Slides which allow me to present my work in a more creative way. Padlet was also use fall as we created a mood board of the things we wanted in our film and what other films had inspired us.
An easy way we found to show what our film was about was by creating a Wordle which is a brunch of words that descried our film or are featured in it. I also used Giffs, these are a fun way of showing a tiny snippet of the film just to show the genre or a certain aspect.

The Pitch 13) Risk assessment by Sophie Barber

Here are some possible risks that may occur while we are filming:
  • We are going to use a lighter and a candle so there is a risk that one of us may burn ourselves, to prevent this we must take extra care while handling fire.
  • There is also a knife used in our opening section so we must be careful and not mess around while using it.
  • We are writing on a mirror using lipstick, this is not a huge risk however we need to make sure it is stable and will not fall over.

The Pitch 12) Production schedule

Production schedule

Monday 23rd November- Planning our mise-en-scene
Thursday 26th November- Creating props like notebook and pictures.
Monday 30th November- Filming
Thursday- 3rd December- Filming
Monday 7th December- Filming
Tue/Wed 8th/9th December - Filming (if necessary)
Monday 14th December - Editing

Wednesday, 18 November 2015

The Pitch 11) Cinematic Details by Sophie Barber

This is the story board for our opening sequence. The titles will appear of the moving images. In the first section there will mainly be panning and tracking and medium shots. In the second section there is an over the head shot of the woman and the desk and a lot of close ups of the objects. In the third section there are also more close ups and a side shot of her arms while she is walking. In the fourth section there is a quick shot of her reflection in the mirror and a shot form behind, then the candle is blown out and the screen goes completely blank and the title will appear.




Tuesday, 17 November 2015

The Pitch 10) Title Credits by Piotr Ochmanski

The Pitch 9) Sound Design by Sophie Barber

We have not fully decided what sounds and music we would like in our title sequences, however here  are a few strong ideas.
I think there should be a slow, quite piece of eerie music playing in the background, I have found one that I really like. I think it would be even better with the sound of a cassette tape rewinding over the top.

This is the piece of non-diegetic sound that I thought would work well.

This is the sound of the cassette tape which I think would sound great over the top of the music as the main character, Rose has a bundle of cassette tapes on her desk which are dated and I think it would create a good link by adding in this Foley sound. We would easily be able to record this ourselves with the right equipment.

We would also use other diegetic sounds such as The opening and closing of a draw, the sound of a pencil writing on paper, a flame flickering, a doorbell ringing, soft foot steps, the sound of a candle being blown out and the flicking on of a lighter.
These sounds have not been record yet however they will be one of the first things we do before filming.

I like the sound used in the opening sequence to Sweeney Todd by Tim Burton  this is because there is also a piece of tense, eerie music and over the top are diegetic sound such as rain drops, cogs turning, blood dripping, the sound of flames, water running and oven doors closing.

The Pitch 8) Mise-en-scene - Props and costume by Sophie Barber

THE PITCH - 7) Mise-en-scene : Location&Setting by Kezia Naykene

The location for our title sequence is very basic and uncomplicated. We are filming the whole thing in a dark black room and adding our own props such as tables and candles. Our location appears to be in a house but can actually be filmed anywhere with a dark black space.

Ideally in the room there will be a table and chair placed against the wall which is where the main character is going to be sat. On the table there will be placed a notebook, candle, love notes and other gifts that the woman has previously received from her ex's. The room  is going to be very dark and depressing because it represents how the individual is feeling and what she's constantly surrounded by.

THE PITCH - 6) Audience Detail by Kezia Naykene

THE PITCH - 5) Institutional Detail by Kezia Naykene

This is our Ident that will come before the opening titles start.

THE PITCH - 4) Representation by Kezia Naykene

In the title sequence the main character being the psycho ex girlfriend will be introduced as she is the main part of the whole thing. She is portrayed as very violent and psychotic seeking revenge for all the hurt caused. No social groups are evident in our opening.

The Pitch 3) What Genre of film is it? by Sophie Barber

We have chosen to do a thriller because we all  love the opening to the film 'Se7en' and it has been a huge inspiration for us.
I was interested in doing a Thriller because of the amount of detail needed and to close up intricate shots, I also like the use of panning and tracking which we will use quite a bit. In openings to thrillers the aim is to create slight suspense and mystery, we do this in ours as our characters full identity is only shown for a split second and at first her desk looks normal until  you get closer.

Here are some close ups from Se7en that gave us some inspiration for the shots we have decided to do:


The Pitch 2) What type of title sequence is it? by Piotr Ochmanski

The Pitch 1) The Film by Sophie Barber

Monday, 9 November 2015

Blogging health check 1

At the moment i am not up to date and my blogs lack quality. i need to catch up as well as improve my already existing blogs.

22) Blogging Health Check 2

I have made an attempt on catching up with my blog posts however i am still not completely up to date.  i have also began using more different forms of media for my posts, like prezi or using gifs and images. I still need to go back to my first few posts and improve those.

Blogging Health Check 2

In response to this feedback, I will keep up with my work and complete all tasks due. I will make sure that I spend at least 4 hours a week on blogging and that I continue to use a variety of different techniques. Also, from now on my posts will be in the correct order so that my blog is more put together.

Blogging health check 2

I still need to catch up and start making my blogs more in depth. I feel like i have got better but i need to put more time into my work. i will start to use a lot more technology onto the blog and be up to date.

Tuesday, 3 November 2015

17) Genre shortlist.

The genre we are most likely going to be creating our title sequence with is thriller. This is because we find it easier to come up with good ideas for this genre, we also think that the title sequence for a thriller is the most interesting and entertaining.

The title sequence of Se7en is a classic example of a thriller, and it is very interesting and engaging, it just makes you want to watch the whole film.

I would also enjoy creating a Crime title sequence. This is because I enjoy crime movies and I have many ideas on creating a good Crime title sequence

Monday, 2 November 2015

15) The importance of sound in film

Sound is used in film to establish tone, atmosphere and to help give the audience clues about the plot, characters or identify the genre of the film. For example if the music is fast and upbeat, the genre will most likely be action, whereas if its slow and moody, it suggests the movie will be a thriller or horror.

Sound in general is what you hear, whereas a soundscape is all sound and a sound design is what sound you choose to use in your film.
Sound in general is very important to the film, for example, in our lesson we watched the opening to the shining twice, once with sound and once without. We found out that without sound it's extremely boring and uninteresting, you also can't tell what the film will be about, perhaps about a happy family going on a road trip.

However with sound we find out that the plot is exactly the opposite of that, the eerie music suggest that something bad is going to happen and that the family is in danger.

Sunday, 1 November 2015

14) Conventions of a thriller.

A thriller usually consists of a battle between the protagonist and the antagonist. We follow the story of the protagonist as they seek justice and antagonist tries to kill them.

Main conventions include:

  • Tense music
  • Slow music reaching a climax.
  • Jump cuts
  • Dark lighting
  • Shadows
  • Protagonist running away from the Antagonist 
  • (Extreme)Close ups

A good example of a movie that follows most of these these codes and conventions is The Dark Knight Rises.