Monday, 2 November 2015

15) The importance of sound in film

Sound is used in film to establish tone, atmosphere and to help give the audience clues about the plot, characters or identify the genre of the film. For example if the music is fast and upbeat, the genre will most likely be action, whereas if its slow and moody, it suggests the movie will be a thriller or horror.

Sound in general is what you hear, whereas a soundscape is all sound and a sound design is what sound you choose to use in your film.
Sound in general is very important to the film, for example, in our lesson we watched the opening to the shining twice, once with sound and once without. We found out that without sound it's extremely boring and uninteresting, you also can't tell what the film will be about, perhaps about a happy family going on a road trip.

However with sound we find out that the plot is exactly the opposite of that, the eerie music suggest that something bad is going to happen and that the family is in danger.

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