Saturday, 31 October 2015

13) Analysing 3 title sequences.


There aren't many macro elements in this title sequence as we don't really learn anything about the characters or plot. However we do find out that the movie is more or less about a murder.

Micro elements: The only shot type in the title sequence is extreme close up of objects or hands, the music was eerie and the lighting was dark.

Order of Titles: 

New line cinema presents
Arnold Kopelson production
film by David Fincher
Brad Pitt
Morgan Freeman
Gwyneth Paltrow
Richard Roundtree
R. Lee Ermey
John C.McGinley
Julie Araskog, Mark Boone Jr
John Cassini, Reginald E. Cathey, Peter Crombie
Hawthorne James, Michael Massee, Leland Orser
Richard Partnow, Richard Schiff, Pamala Tyson
Casting By
Music By
Costume by
Production Design
Direcor of photography 
Co-Executive Producers
Executive Producers
Written By
Produced By
Directed By.

Gone Girl:

Macro elements: We are introduced to 2 characters, a man and his wife. From the beginning of the title sequence we find out that the man is evil as he thinks about cracking his wife's skull open. We also see that the movie is set in the suburbs.

Micro elements: Many establishing shots of buildings and other landscapes. There are some long shots of the man, this shows us more about the area he lives in. The music in the background is quite calm and soothing.

Order of titles:

Twentieth Century Fox & Regency Enterprises
David Fincher film
Ben Affleck
Rosamund Pike
Gone Girl
Niel Pattrick Harris
Tyler Perry
Carrie Coon
Kim Dickens, Patrick Fugit
David Clennon, Lisa Banes
Casting by
Sound Design by
Music by
Costume by
Production Designer
Director of photography
Executive Producers
Produced by
Screenplay by


Macro elements: in this title sequence you subliminally find out everything that happens in the movie. We are obviously introduced to James Bond.

Micro elements: There are many long shots of James Bond within an animated realm. the shots blend into one another as the camera zooms in on something, revealing the next shot. In the background you hear a song by Adele, this is quite a slow and relaxing song.

Order of titles: 

Daniel Craig
Javier Bardem
Ralph fiennes
Naomie Harris
Berenice Lim Marlohe
Ben Whishaw
Ror Kinnear, Ola Rapace
Albert Finney
Judi Dench
Script Supervisor
Sound Recordist
Electrical Supervisor
Sound unit assisstant director
Unit Production Manager
First Assisstent Director
Casting by
Titles by
Special Effects
Stunt Coordinator
Second unit Director
Costume by
Edited by
Director of photography
Production Designer
Music by
Executive Producer
Written by
Produced by
Directed by

12c) What film genres do audiences prefer?

From my survey, I found out that the top 3 preferred genres are Action, Comedy and science fiction. However people didn't know why they preferred that particular genre of film, apart from comedy.

Most under 17 males preferred Action or Comedy, whereas most 25-35 year old males preferred science fiction, this is probably due to them growing up around the same time as the star wars series.

I would prefer to make a Comedy film as it has a wide target audience which includes men and women. Comedy movies typically don't need as high of a budget as an Action or Sci-Fi Movie as there aren't as many special effects.

12b) Survey

Create your own user feedback survey

12a) What is a target audience?

Friday, 30 October 2015

TASK 30 - Half Term Homework - Planning Costume Ideas

Task 1

Example 1

Character Name: Effy
TV Series: Skins
Costume/Makeup: Effy wears very dark makeup and clothing at times which reflects her mood. Dark, heavily applied eyeliner around her eyes accompanied by her usual cold stare. Throughout the series she takes less care of appearance, appearing tired and fatigued. These factors hint at the development of Effy's depression

Example 2

Character Name: Jenny Humphrey
Tv Series: Gossip Girl
Costume/Makeup: Jenny is firstly introduced as a typical pretty and girly teenage girl. Wearing cute little outfits, simple makeup and beautiful natural hair. Later on, when Jenny becomes mischievous and rebellious, her makeup and appearance also starts to change. She starts wearing heavy eyeliner and a shorter hair look with a whole different fashion sense. From pretty skirts to grunge outfits.

Example 3

Character Name: Regina George
Movie: Mean Girls
Costume/Makeup: Regina is your typical high school mean girl. She is a very dark and mean character who comes across as emotionless. But instead of dressing like her personality would suggest - dark colours, she dresses in mostly girly colours like pink and always has the latest clothing. Pink lip gloss is one of her main everyday essentials.

Task 2

Name: Cruella Asten
This is the main character in the title sequence who appears as the psycho ex girlfriend. She's very sincere when first met but get on her bad side and it's a whole different person. She was in a long relationship for 3 years when she found out that he'd been seeing other women on the side. Cruella doesn't take this well and turns absolutely insane. She plots against everyone who's ever hurt her and the outcome is shocking.

TASK 27 - Audience Profile


Name: Amy Hall
Location: London
Age: 18
Class: Middle Class
Gender: Female (females are more attracted to psychological thrillers)
Occupation: Works at her local Tesco's
Hobbies: Watching Netflix, going clubbing on weekends and speed dating regularly
Personality:Bubbly, out going, caring and bitchy
Brands: Sony, Tesco, Harrods, Superdrug
Media: Guardian, Pretty Little Liars, Facebook, Twitter

TASK 26 - Target Audience

Since our genre is basically psychological thriller, I decided that our target audience being 16-25 year olds would be very suitable. This is because they involve violence and graphic images but ours won't be that explicit therefor will suit the younger audience who love thrillers. 



Planning Mise-En-Scene Ideas (task 30)

The Brief

Film Idea: Psycho stalker girl is planning to ruin her 3 latest ex boyfriends lives. You soon see that the extensive planning to do so has been on going for months. Rose, who shows no remorse, plans to cause trauma and heartbreak

Key Props: A black leather notebook/diary (where she plans/writes about her victims), Red lipstick (representing femininity and blood), a candle (fire showing danger) and a single rose (symbolizing her name, along with love or death)

Location: Home in the suburbs

Setting: An office or small room

Costume: Black, sleek, feminine clothing. Red nail polish and red lipstick.

Lighting: Dull/dark with candle light

Thursday, 29 October 2015

My target audience (task 27)

These are two profiles of people who watch films in the same genre or similar to what i'd like to make.

An audience member for my Thriller.

Name: Christina
Lives in: London
Age: 19
Class: Middle class
Occupation: Marketing Student
Personality type: Clever, Kind, Sometimes Bitchy and Emotional
Hobbies & interests: Going to the cinema, Skiing and Drama
Brands they consume: M&S, Netflix and Amazon.
Media they consume: Guardian news paper, Empire magazine and OK.
Watches CSI, New girl and Goggle box 

Who is our target audience (task 26)

I think the best target audience for either of our thriller would be between the age of 15 and 25 as there could be aspects of violence, death and physiological issues that maybe disturbing for younger viewers. The film would be suitable for male and females, even though the main character is female it revolves around multiple male characters. Films that have similar audiences are, The loft, Gone Girl and Black Swan.

For the action/adventure film the best target audience would be over the age of 15 as it wouldn't be as explicit. I think this film would appeal more to males as the genre is more suitable for a male audience due to the characters and conventions such as conflict, persuasion, fear and danger. Films similar to this would be, 2012, San Andreas and The impossible.

TASK 25 - Mood Board for our title sequence

An idea (task 23)

In class we used Wikipedia random article generator to find a name for a film, ours was an article about a solar eclipse. we then had to choose randomly, a location and prop. we was given a bus stop and a pair of glasses.  

We had an idea that there could be a man waiting at the bus stop, when he see's a pair of glasses. The man picks them up and puts them on and he see's a huge solar eclipse through them. The man realizes that he's seen it before in a dream, there is then a flash back showing the dream where he see's the world ending on the night of the solar eclipse, he then goes on a journey to save the world and convince others he is telling the truth.

TASK 24 - Idea For Title Sequence

The genre for the title sequence is romance/thriller. The story-line is that the main character is heart broken and plots revenge- how typical! But this story has a twist to it. It's all in her head. She hasn't actually dated the guy they were friends but she imagined them as a couple so much that she generally started to believe it.

Name: Charlotte Rose-Mary
Occupation: Secretary
Personality: Loud, funny, secretive, over the top and violent.
Hobbies: Shopping, Netflix, Feminist

The title sequence would be set in an ordinary suburban area,but it will be very dark and grungy. Lots of blood will be involved,knives, violent images and tears. 

TASK 23 - Brainstorming for our title sequence

Ideas for our title sequence

TASK 22 - Blogging Health Check 1

Progress review (task 22)

My progress grade is not as good as it should be as i found blogging quite difficult initially, however I am happy with my grade as i know that i have a lot more room for improvement.



TASK 21 - Evaluation Of Practical Remake Activity

Overall our remake was successful. Our camera shots were accurate and precise and the shots were extremely similar to the actual "Collateral" film opening.
The acting could've been improved and the costume could be thought about in the future. But in the small amount of time that we did have, we did the best we could and it came out decently. There weren't as many people in the streets as there were in the original film and we didn't have time to hire extras so it doesn't look exactly the same as "Collateral".


TASK 20 - Our remake - the final cut

We edited our remake using Premiere pro and After effects

This is our final cut

TASK 19 - Our remake- Filming bloopers

We had an hour to film our remakes, we had a lot of fun but it was quite difficult to get the timing right, we didn't have a busy airport so we went by our nearest tube station instead.

TASK 18 - Our Remake: Planning

This is our story board, These are the shots we decided to film for our remake of Collateral.

This is our shot list

As a group we chose to remake Collateral because of the shot types as it was a bit more difficult than the others and we wanted to challenge ourselves.

Wednesday, 28 October 2015


The 3 genres that we may chose from to produce our own title sequence are:

Wednesday, 14 October 2015

Genre conventions: Thrillers (task 14)

A thriller is a novel, play, or movie with an exciting plot. It often revolves around anticipation and suspense, with the aim being to keep the audience alert and on the edge of their seats. Tension and excitement are often used as the main elements of thriller films.

In crime thrillers you usually see, ransoms, heists or revenge. In physiological thrillers there are mind games, stalking and obsession. Spies, espionage, conspiracies and assassins are most common in spy thrillers.

Primary features of a thriller:
  • The protagonist faces death
  • The protagonist's main story line is a quest
  • The main plot line focuses on a mystery that must be solved
  • Dominated by the protagonists perspective 

Black Swan

Characters that are usually seen are criminals, stalkers, psychotic individuals, killers, sociopaths and innocent individuals.

The Loft

Analyzing title sequences (task 13)

The Stepfather

Title credits: 
  1. Screen Gems presents
  2. Mavericks Films
  3. Title: Stepfather
  4. Dylan Walsh (Main actor)
  5. Sela Ward (Actress)
  6. Penn Badgley
  7. Amber Heard (Actress)
  8. Sherry Stringfield (Actress)
  9. Paige Turco (Actress)
  10. Jon Tenny (Actor)
  11. 4+ actors
  12. Casting directors
  13. Costume designers 
  14. Music supervisor 
  15. Music composer 
  16. Editor 
  17. Production designer
  18. Director of photography 
  19. Executive producers
  20. More producers
Micro Analysis:


  • Close ups
  • Over shoulder shots
  • Panning upwards/right
  • Wide shots
  • Over head
  • Low establishing shot
  • Tracking
  • Canted angle
  • Suburbs
  • Shaving accessories
  • Bloody weapons
  • Grey/Blue lighting 
  • Shadows
  • Christmas tree
  • Presents/Cards
  • Eerie music
  • Heart beats
  • Christmas music
  • Dog bark
  • Minor key
  • Sound bridges  
  • Editing from perspective 
  • Match cuts
  • Flash back
  • Simple editing
  • Slow pace
Macro Analysis

The key plot idea is about a man, the stepfather, who becomes apart of a family and kills them at Christmas time and then moves on to his next victims.

The story line is in chronological order.

The first character introduced is the Stepfather and then the dead family.

A white american, stereotypical, middle class family are represented.

Sunday, 11 October 2015

My survey

Create your own user feedback survey

TASK 13 - Analysing Title Sequences



Camera (shot distance/angles/movement/framing)

During the title sequence, there is a lot of camera tracking going on which shows you a wider view of the location. Low establishing shots of houses which shows the typical suburban area. Loads of medium close ups, close ups, over the shoulder and low angle shots are used with a mix of birds eye view and diagonal shots.

Editing(cuts/speed/special effects/transitions)

The title sequence involved lots of editing from perspective. There was a really good use of a match cut where you see the character on the stairs then instantly the shot is cut to where the character starts walking down the stairs which was very effective. A flashback was also included where you suddenly just see a flash of white.


In the title sequence you can clearly see that the location is in the suburbs, in what appears to be a normal,ordinary everyday family house. Outside the lighting is bright to show that it's daylight but it's not too intense. As the character, enters the house the lighting dimmed down and appeared darker - darkness usually shows danger so this could show how the family home isn't as safe as it looks from the outside. In the bathroom the lighting was very dull and instead of a natural colour it was blue/green tinted. The man's clothes were very basic and realistic. He wore a coat, trousers and was carrying a brief case which could hint that he was coming back from work. The props which appeared were mostly weapons such as hammers and knives. There were holly and other Christmas decorations around the house including a Christmas tree which tells us that it's Christmas.


Throughout the title sequence there was eerie tense music was playing. You could also hear heart beats at certain times. In one part the dog starts barking which tells you that there's danger approaching. Minor key, low pitch - the notes aren't right causing the music to sound off and not matching the scenes.


The key plot idea introduced in the title sequence is that what appears to be a normal and ordinary family man, ends up killing his family. From this I got the idea that there may be a huge story behind all of this. The storyline starts from the end of another situation which makes the viewer want to watch on in hopes of finding out what previously happened. At the start we are introduced to a man that appears to be the main character. When the shot turns to his point of view, we see dead bodies laying all around which seem to be a family. The social group represented isa middle class white  american suburban family.

Title Conventions

In the title sequence, the titles appear in the following order
  1. Company Eye Dent
  2. Distribution Company
  3. Movie Title
  4.  Actors and Actresses
  5. Casting Directors
  6. Costume Designer
  7. Music Supervisor
  8. Music Creator
  9. Editor
  10. Production Designer
  11. Director Of Photography
  12. Executive Producers

Audience Research (task 12)

11) BFI Statistics yearbook.


According to the BFI, Action, Comedy and Animation were the most successful at the UK box office. Whereas Documentary, War and Romance were the least successful. The Comedy genre had the most releases between 2013-2014 with 153 releases, with Animation only releasing 33 and Action 47.

Image result for hangover 3

The age group of the most cinema admissions in the UK was 15-24 year olds with the hangover part 3 being the most popular.

Image result for quartet movie

Quartet was the most popular film with the over 55 year olds, the genre for this film is Drama and Comedy.

 Action, Comedy and Adventure were the genres most popular with men whereas Romance, Documentary and Animation were the genres most popular with women. UK films were popular across all audiences, mostly for those aged 45 and above.
One Direction: This Is Us, Wreck It Ralph and Despicable Me 2 were the 3 films most popular with the 7-14 age group, this tells us they prefer animated movies as well as movies about their favourite music artists. The 3 most popular movies with the 35-44 age group were Frozen, The Croods and Jack and The Giant Slayer. This tells us that animation appeals to all types of people, this is the main reason for the genre of Animation being so successful.

Image result for fast and furious 6
 Django Unchained, Fast & Furious 6 and Rush were most popular with the 25-34 age group. Whereas the films most popular with middle class audiences were Rush, Captain Phillips, Gravity, Fast & Furious 6, Despicable Me 2 and Oz The Great & Powerful.