Monday, 5 October 2015

What is the purpose of a title sequence and film opening? (task 3)

The opening of a film should make the audience want to keep watching.
You will usually find lots of clues about what will happen in the rest of the film, you may not even realize this. The main characters and actors are introduced. Most importantly the genre is shown, through sound, the mise-en-scene and location.

In the majority of film openings you see the film title right at the start but just before that will be the production companies legal advertisement, for example 20th Century Fox, Walt Disney Studios and Warner Bros.

An good example of a title sequence is the opening to 'SkyFall' which sets the tone with a dramatic piece of music by Adele. The opening introduces you to the main character, James Bond and to a setting under water which is linked closely to the upcoming scenes. There are also guns and blood showing danger. The fast pace, the audio and visual effects show that the film is an action/thriller.


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