Sunday, 11 October 2015

TASK 13 - Analysing Title Sequences



Camera (shot distance/angles/movement/framing)

During the title sequence, there is a lot of camera tracking going on which shows you a wider view of the location. Low establishing shots of houses which shows the typical suburban area. Loads of medium close ups, close ups, over the shoulder and low angle shots are used with a mix of birds eye view and diagonal shots.

Editing(cuts/speed/special effects/transitions)

The title sequence involved lots of editing from perspective. There was a really good use of a match cut where you see the character on the stairs then instantly the shot is cut to where the character starts walking down the stairs which was very effective. A flashback was also included where you suddenly just see a flash of white.


In the title sequence you can clearly see that the location is in the suburbs, in what appears to be a normal,ordinary everyday family house. Outside the lighting is bright to show that it's daylight but it's not too intense. As the character, enters the house the lighting dimmed down and appeared darker - darkness usually shows danger so this could show how the family home isn't as safe as it looks from the outside. In the bathroom the lighting was very dull and instead of a natural colour it was blue/green tinted. The man's clothes were very basic and realistic. He wore a coat, trousers and was carrying a brief case which could hint that he was coming back from work. The props which appeared were mostly weapons such as hammers and knives. There were holly and other Christmas decorations around the house including a Christmas tree which tells us that it's Christmas.


Throughout the title sequence there was eerie tense music was playing. You could also hear heart beats at certain times. In one part the dog starts barking which tells you that there's danger approaching. Minor key, low pitch - the notes aren't right causing the music to sound off and not matching the scenes.


The key plot idea introduced in the title sequence is that what appears to be a normal and ordinary family man, ends up killing his family. From this I got the idea that there may be a huge story behind all of this. The storyline starts from the end of another situation which makes the viewer want to watch on in hopes of finding out what previously happened. At the start we are introduced to a man that appears to be the main character. When the shot turns to his point of view, we see dead bodies laying all around which seem to be a family. The social group represented isa middle class white  american suburban family.

Title Conventions

In the title sequence, the titles appear in the following order
  1. Company Eye Dent
  2. Distribution Company
  3. Movie Title
  4.  Actors and Actresses
  5. Casting Directors
  6. Costume Designer
  7. Music Supervisor
  8. Music Creator
  9. Editor
  10. Production Designer
  11. Director Of Photography
  12. Executive Producers

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